Under this program researchers aim to develop cross-cutting tools used to efficiently design and engineer next generation nuclear energy technologies. 研究人员根据这项计划旨在开发用于下一代核能技术,以有效地设计和工程的交叉工具。
In1983 the integrated guided missile development program was set up under the leadership of Abdul kalam, a renowned rocket engineer. 1983年,「整合导向飞弹发展计画」上马,由著名火箭工程师卡蓝主持。
A good program manager combines an engineer's approach to designing technology with a politician's ability to build consensus and bring people together. 一个优秀的项目经理同时具备工程师的技术和政治家的团队建设能力和凝聚力。
The program is designed to prepare a comprehensive and balanced technician with a sound knowledge of Road and Bridge Engineering, basic engineer training and perceptual ideas of innovation. 培养适应现代科学技术与经济发展需要,德、智、体全面发展,掌握道路与桥梁工程学科的基本理论和基本知识,获得工程师基本训练,具有创新精神的高级工程技术人才。
Academic Writing and English Language Program: A Survey of Graduation Thesis by English Majors; Bachelor Degree Majored In Mechanical Engineer/ Hydraulic/ Manufacturing Or Related Discipline. 学术论文写作与英语专业教学&对英语专业本科生毕业论文的调查本科学历,机械或液压类专业毕业。
The DS/ Block is implemented on a CAD program, Pro/ ENGINEER by FTC's application programming interface, Pro/ TOOLKIT. 船台的工作是通过CAD、PTC应用和程序接口的程序/工程师、程序/工具包完成的。
The bending strength of plastic gear is main research content in my article. Most of studies are finished with designing program of gear model and ANSYS engineer analysis software. 本文主要研究了塑料齿轮的强度问题,利用齿轮模型设计程序和ANSYS有限元工程分析软件进行主要的研究工作。
So developing automatic NC programming system to get efficient G code program, become the study object for lots of engineer. 所以开发优异的数控自动编程系统,更加准确、高效的编制机床程序(G代码),成了众多专业人员的研究方向。
Program model of Pro/ Engineer is adopted to realize the parameters modify and the model construction method is expanded. 利用Pro/Engineer的Program模块实现了参数修改程序,扩展了模型构造方式。
The Implementation Program and Engineer Construction of Video Conference in Yizheng 仪征市视频会议系统实施方案与工程实践
By analyzing home and abroad engine measure and control techniques, this paper proposes an advanced test program which is controlled by digital signal processor. Meanwhile, we use fuzzy PID algorithms to realize automation in engineer test bed. 本文在调查研究国内外发动机测控技术后,在原有发动机测控系统的基础上,提出了用数字信号处理器控制,采用模糊PID算法实现发动机台架的自动化测试方案。
At last, the overall program of lathe was finished. Secondly, according to the overall scheme of lathe and take Pro/ Engineer software to design each part structural of the lathe. 最后确定了车床的总体方案。其次,根据确定的车床总体方案,基于Pro/Engineer设计软件对车床的各个部分进行结构设计。